Blue Carbon Fellows

Design. Implement. Impact.

The Blue Carbon Fellows Program is designed for practitioners, students, and organizations who want to design blue carbon projects for their locality or develop value chains related to blue carbon.

The objectives of this program are:

Duration: 11 months

Level of Effort: Participants will work in teams of 10, with each fellow devoting at least 4 hours per week over 11 months

*Funding of project proposals is not guaranteed.


The Blue Carbon Public-Private Partnership Policy Research Fellows program is a unique initiative that brings together experts from the public and private sectors to conduct research and develop policy recommendations on the conservation and sustainable use of blue carbon ecosystems. The program aims to promote the integration of blue carbon conservation and sustainable use into national and subnational policy frameworks, and to support the development of sustainable blue carbon-based business models.

Program Structure:

Program Operations:

Projects in Siargao Island, Philippines

The Blue Economy Lab invites interested undergraduate and graduate students, as well as faculty to co-create the solutions with the Municipality of Del Carmen, Siargao Island.  


1. Establishment of Public-Private Partnership in the Design, Planning and Operational Management of the Del Carmen Mangrove Forest Reserve (with the Mangrove Nursery)

2. Establishment of Public-Private Partnership in the Del Carmen Watershed Forest Eco-Tourism Design, Plan and Operational Management similar to the Masungi Geo-Reserve (with the Tree Nursery)

3. Establishment of Public-Private Partnership in the Del Carmen Marine Protected Areas Eco-Tourism Design, Plan and Operational Management

4. Establishment of Public-Private Partnership in the Del Carmen Multi-species Hatchery Operational Management

5. Establishment of Public-Private Partnership in the Siargao Climate Field School for Farmers and Fisherfolks Operational Management

6. Establishment of Public-Private Partnership in the Del Carmen Basura Eco-Park (Solid Waste Management, Septage Management and Waste Water Management) 

7. Municipal Water Zoning including spaces for tourism, fish pens, artisanal fisherfolks, aquaculture and mariculture, boat path

8. Development of a Circular Economy Modelling for an Island Ecosystems. Development of Supply Chain of local supply to the Siargao Supply Chain for food and other necessary goods

9. Development and integration of localized K to 12 Curriculum with the SIPLAS Biodiversity, Landscapes and Seascapes

Designing Public-Private Partnerships
